Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Finally Settling In

Thanks to a lot of help from my parents and Rachel Milar, John and I are pretty much moved into our new apartment, and we love it! We miss Utah A LOT and all our family out there, but Charlottesville is growing on us. John thinks he's really going to like med school (especially once he doesn't have to worry about selling security systems in the evenings). He's already up late studying every night he isn't selling, and he saw the results yesterday when he got 100% on his first quiz! I'm not much of a fan of the staying up late part and I can't say I like the formaldehyde smell John brings home from the cadaver lab, but I'm really proud of him for doing what he's always wanted to do. It seems silly, but I wonder if this is what a mom feels like when she sends her first child off to school for the first time...anxiously excited and praying that things will go well. John has the crazy schedule, but I've been keeping busy too. This week I made our apartment feel like home, met some new friends in the ward (which we LOVE), found a new doctor, and started to apply for jobs with photographers in the area. Work is slow around here, so most photographers go at it alone. But I've already had 2 interviews (although, I'm only really interested in one of them). The position I want is a full time Photoshop technician. Sounds fun, huh!?!? We'll see if it works out. Everyday I ask myself what in the world I’m getting into. Six weeks before my due date isn't exactly the ideal time to start a new career, but little Lizzy has promised to be an exceptionally good baby to help us make ends meet. Now we’ll just pray that we can find as understanding of an employer. Well, that’s about all that’s new with us. Thanks to all of you for your prayers and support!


heather said...

Good luck!! I'm glad that things are falling into place. And I can't believe you will have a newborn in your arms in just six weeks! WOW!! I'm so excited for you! :)

dan and laura said...

I just can't believe you guys are doing it!!! We want to hear everything, it just seems to far away for us... but I know it is coming fast. Oh and Lizzy is such a cute name!

Traci M said...

I'm so excited for you, Emily! I agree with the habers, Lizzy is a cute name. Good luck with med school and the baby.

Traci Mildenstein

PS I started a blog for our family if you want to check it out. It's

Ashley Jackson said...

Hey Emily I was so glad to hear from you! I am so glad to hear that things are going well for you guys back in Virginia. That is fun that you have had a couple job interviews I hope the one you want works out. I had a job interview last week and will hopefully find out today if I got it. Anyways I'm excited to hear how things go for you guys and can't wait to see little Lizzy when she comes:) Good luck with everything we think of you guys often and hope that you are doing well!