Monday, February 9, 2009

Why I Love Shoplifting

These pictures don't have anything to do with the following comments, but they are pretty cute. I just wanted to say that I was never really temped to shoplift before Lizzy was born. Now I find myself stealing things just about every time I go to the store. I leave the store, and just as everything is packed up and Lizzy is asleep in her car seat, I find one item that inevitable slid to the back of the stroller and snuck out the door without ever making it's way onto my receipt. To make matters worse, this usually happens at the worst times, like the Saturday before the Super bowl when the lines at Wal-Mart stretched to the back of the store. On top of it all, I've never stolen an expensive item. The most expensive thing I ever stole was a jar of salsa that was on sale for $2. So, what do I do? I sit there staring at the salsa, or wet wipes, or mini paper plates, or ribbon (yes, I've stolen all of those items and more), and I think to myself, "I would pay so much more than this stupid salsa is worth to not have to drag Lizzy back inside, wait in that gigantic line, and pay for this." And I sit there for a very long time, being very tempted to just put the salsa in the car and drive away. Of course, I've never done it. I always unpack Lizzy and go back inside and wait in line and explain to the confused clerk that I stole her salsa. And I think it's strange how I'm always so grumpy about it on the way back into the store, but on the way back out again I feel really good about life. So, what am I getting at? Well...maybe shoplifting's not such a bad thing after all. =)


Ashley Jackson said...

Emily you are so cute and so is your little Lizzy!:) You're such a great example always. I think of you often I wonder how life is treating you guys. Looks like everything is well. Those pictures you took of your friends baby are really cute, you did a great job!

Seidi said...

Lizzy is so cute and she has gotten so big!! She has the most beautiful eyes. You're shoplifting stories are hilarious. Good luck with that one.

Keeping up with the Jones said...

Lizzy is precious!! She is beautiful just like her mommy! :) I hope things are going well!

Maria said...

That's happened to me a time or two as well!! Lizzy is getting so big and SO cute! love the pictures

Kristina said...

Your little girl is so cute! I'm not sure I even knew you had a baby. Apparently it is one of the many things that Seth forgot to tell me. But congrats! We miss you guys!

Kristy Lynne said...

I think it's funny that I'm not the only one to go back into the store over a clump of elephant garlic.

It's one thing to have something tucked in with the baby. It's another when the baby can start reaching for things while you're picking out the perfect "whatever". Then they sprout legs, (although by that age they've gotten better at verbally begging for what they can reach).