Thursday, August 14, 2008

Baby Bash and Movin' On

It's been a long time since I've posted anything, but lots of fun stuff is going on in the Jones household. Mary and Jen threw a rockin' baby shower for me...the best I've ever been to. We had great food and played some really fun games, and I loved having my mom there to join in on the fun. In one game (pictured below) everyone had to rip off the length of toilette paper that they guessed would wrap around my belly once. Apparently I look even bigger than I really am because Chandi's piece wrapped around me twice. Thanks Chandi. =)

Unfortunately our summer at the beach has come to an end. John started medical school at the University of Virginia on Monday. He wondered how well he'd fit in, especially after his first encounter with other students in his entering class. The others instantly bonded as they discussed the best bars in town and decided to go get drinks together after class. Of course John didn't have much to say on that topic. And when the other guys found out that he was married they were shocked and asked in amazement, "Is being married really as bad as they say it is?" So.... we're definitely not in Provo anymore! But we're excited to be out of our comfort zone and grow a little.


The Lindes said...

Emily you look soooo good! I'm having a hard time believing that you are even pregnant with how little you look!

John will be great. Just think of all the missionary experiences you guys can/will have. We'll keep you in our prayers!

The Lindes said...

This is LaDon--enjoy school. You will meet some great people and have a terrific time.

We love you both and are excited for you (our daughter is so terrific--you'll love your baby) She got very blessed to end up in your family.

Platinum Protection: Dallas Team said...

Em!!!! I didn't know you had a blog!! Yea! I LOVED looking at everything that has been going on in your life! I think about calling you all the time, and I just need to DO it! I love you tons dear!!!

heather said...

Emily! It was the same way with the students here at OSU - it's amazing how quickly people become best friends when they have beers in their hands! Needless to say, Ryan didn't feel quite connected in the beginning. But just give it time. You both are such wonderful people that I'm sure you'll find great friends!! Good luck with being pregnant! I miss it, it was such a wonderful experience! You're beautiful!

Ashley Jackson said...

Hey Emily I'm glad to see a new post! I hope things are going well for you guys and you are getting all settled. Sounds like it will be an adventure:) Hope all the moving went well, miss ya:)