Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Congratulations to Spencer and Tyler!

Yes dad, you did see John's brother on the news! Spencer and Tyler helped make history last week when they were officially married under the new laws allowing gay marriage in the state of California. We have a new addition to the Jones family! Well, I guess Tyler was part of the family even before I was, as he and Spence have been a couple for over 6 years, but now it's official. So, Tyler, welcome to the family. We love you both and we think you're great!


Cherie Dick said...

how does spencer manage to get so much publicity!? He just certainly have a knack for it.

dan and laura said...

Yes congrats Spencer and Tyler!!! Oh and Emily, you are the cutest little pregnant woman I have ever seen!!! Man oh man...don't tell Dan, but I'm JEALOUS!!! :) Hope things are going well!! Keep us updated!! Love ya much!!