Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our Tire Garden

A few months ago we visited my aunt and uncle in Tennessee. They gave us the idea of using tires for pots. We tried it, and now our garden is really taking off. We've got raspberries, tons of heirloom tomatoes (Amana orange, green zebras, black cherry, and moscovich) lemon cucumbers, tomatillos, and quite a few herbs (all thanks to my big brother David). We also have zucchini, peppers, peas, and green beans (thanks to Rach). Helping me garden is Lizzie's favorite chore.


Rachel said...

The garden is absolutely gorgeous! I'm so proud of you - the garden has come a long way since I last saw it. Good work - I know you've worked hard for it.

Kristina said...

Wow! It's all so green! It seems like even when we are doing a good job with our plants our yard still looks brown (maybe it's just all the pavers). Sadly to say though we aren't doing so good with you plants this summer :( I'm super jealous that you have raspberries! I love raspberries!