Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Safari Park

For Nathan's 28th birthday he decided he wanted to take a trip to the Safari Park...for Lizzie, of course. ;) It was our 2nd time going, but I don't think I could ever get tired of that place. One part of the park is like a zoo with caged animals, only it has really lax security. There was a sleepy kangaroo laying across one of the walking paths that seemed to really enjoy having his tummy rubbed. Another highlight of this area was a hungry looking tiger who couldn't take his eyes off Lizzie. Fortunately, he was a little more securely caged. As much as Lizzie seemed to like the monkeys, giraffes, turtles, tigers, warthogs, etc., her favorite part was stopping at each hand sanitizer station throughout the park (same as our last visit.) The other part of the park is a large, open area that you can drive through with buckets of food. The animals practically climb into your car to get the food...very exciting. There were zebras, llamas, ostriches, deer, emus, pigs, elk, buffalo, etc, but our favorites were the giant camels. Their heads took up practically the whole back seat.


Alyssa/Jo said...

That has got to be the coolest park ever! I can't believe how far into the car the animals get - holy moly! Your faces are ones of total disbelief. Did you think one might really climb in the car with you?

That is awesome that Lizzie liked the hand sanitizing stations the most. Typical. You give a kid a gift and they like the wrapping paper better than the present.

P.S. You're still the most beautiful person I know!

Alison said...

Man I loved looking through these and the album Nathan put up on facebook. My FAVORITE is the one where there's a camel leaning across your mom's lap and Lizzie's mouth is in a HUGE "O" and Nathan is just cracking up. What a moment.