Wednesday, October 27, 2010


 Lizzie recently started attending Salem's montessori school. It is amazing, and yesterday's bike-a-thon was further evidence of this fact. The kids (ages about 2 through 5th grade) got sponsors and rode their bikes around the school yard to raise money for the Nutty Putty Cyclers/Liz Logelin Foundation. I was the lucky photographer for the big event. Thank you Salem Montessori!


Alison Spencer said...

You are quite the photographer! Those kids are absolutely adorable.

Alison said...

Great pictures. And how great that the Montessori school had a fundraiser for such a good cause.

Brian said...

Amazing. Seriously. I want to see some of the other 990 pictures!

Carrie said...

em, these pictures are SOOO cute! what an awesome event! said...

These pictures are so special! I looove them, youre amazing. Cutest kids ever!

Kenon said...

You really are a gifted photographer. These are amazing.